Shootings in the United States (US) re-occur.

Shootings in the United States (US) re-occur. The victim this time is three US Muslims.

 The shooting took place in the victim's home in North Carolina. Police received a report of emergency on Tuesday (02/10/2015) at 5:11 pm local time. So reported the Independent, Wednesday (02/11/2015).

The victim identified as Deah Shaddy Barakat (23) and his wife Yusor Mohammad (21). Another victim is Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, sister of Yusor.

The house occupied by the three victims were in Summerwalk Circle in Chapel Hill. The victim was found in a lifeless condition at the scene.

Local residents are not aware of the shooting incident, until the police came an investigation. According to local residents, the neighborhood is very quiet and filled by students, professionals and is considered safe.

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