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Razman Arief Nasution (detik) |
Razman Arief Nasution, has finally been executed by a team of intelligence Attorney General (AGO) and team from the State Attorney Panyabungan, Mandailaing Natal. Razman is the status of convicted cases of persecution.
"The prosecution team intel AGO and Kejari P anyabungan has captured Razman Arief Nasution and executed to Cipinang," said Head of Information Law (Kapuspenkum) AGO Tony T Spontana in office, Jl Sultan Hasanuddin, South Jakarta, Wednesday (03/18/ 2015).
"The prosecution team intel AGO and Kejari P anyabungan has captured Razman Arief Nasution and executed to Cipinang," said Head of Information Law (Kapuspenkum) AGO Tony T Spontana in office, Jl Sultan Hasanuddin, South Jakarta, Wednesday (03/18/ 2015).
Razman was arrested around 3:30 pm local time, around the office of the Supreme Court (MA). Razman several times resist that he can not be executed. But finally, Razman successfully herded responsible for his deeds.
Razman itself is being famous. Success became a lawyer Komjen Budi Gunawan (BG), Razman now become a lawyer for City Council, resist Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) about the alleged corruption in the procurement of UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) . In addition, Razman also a lawyer for Sutan Bhatoegana for pretrial petition resist the KPK(corruption eradication commission).
Razman sendiri telah diputus pidana penjara selama 3 bulan oleh Pengadilan Tinggi Medan terkait kasus penganiayaan. Kemudian Razman mengajukan kasasi dan ditolak oleh Mahkamah Agung (MA) melalui putusan MA nomor 1260 K/Pid/2009.
Razman berkilah apabila dalam amar putusan MA tersebut tidak ada perintah untuk melakukan penahanan terhadap dirinya. Namun putusan MA itu menguatkan putusan sebelumnya yaitu pidana penjara 3 bulan.