Indonesia Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres)

atindonesianews. Indonesia  President Joko Widodo has inaugurate the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) on this day, Monday (01/19/2015).

There were nine people who will be the choice Jokowi Wantimpres members :

  1. Sidarto Danusubroto (PDI-P)
  2. Subagyo HS (Hanura)
  3. Sri Adiningsih
  4. Hasyim Muzadi (NU)
  5. Suharso Monoarfa (PPP)
  6. Jan Darmadi
  7. Rusdi Kirana(PKB)
  8. Yusuf Kartanegara (PKPI)
  9. Abdul Malik Fadjar

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