Serial killer Charles Manson, 80 years old, who is now in jail canceled married to her fiance

Serial killer Charles Manson, 80 years old, who is now in jail canceled married to her fiance, Afton Elaine Burton although it has bagged a marriage license in prison since last November.

At Indonesia News. According to the journalist Daniel Simone, who wrote a book about the life of Manson in 'The Retrial of Charles Manson', Manson canceled married to Burton who was 53 years younger than he was because he realized Burton just want to take advantage of financial benefits from it.

Burton, who is also known as the Star, allegedly tried to marry Manson, so that later if Manson died Burton may have Manson's body. Reportedly, Burton and his colleague, Craig Hammond, plans to display Manson corpse in a coffin made of glass like a mummy.

According to Simone, the wild idea inspired from the tomb of Russian communist leader, Vladimir Lenin. It is estimated that Burton would benefit financially if it can realize the huge glass tomb Manson.

"He finally realized that he had been tricked," said Simone, told The New York Post on Monday (09/022).

However, more unique, according to Simone, was faiths Manson that he is a man who can not die.(cnn)

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