Japanese Hostage Kenji Goto was Executed

Kenji Goto, Japanese citizens hostage militant group Islamic State (ISIS), reportedly has been killed beheaded.

At Indonesia News. Goto was killed because of the demands of ISIS to exchange him for Sajida al-Rishawi, death row inmate case of suicide bombings in Jordan, are not met.

International community condemn abuzz heinous murder by ISIS .

"UN Secretary-General condemned the barbaric murder. This incident underscores the many acts of violence in Iraq and Syria," said a spokesman for UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, told AFP on Sunday (02/01/2015).

British Prime Minister David Cameron strongly condemned the murder Goto: "Beheading Kenji Goto is a reminder that ISIS is the embodiment of evil, which did not value human life."

"I condemn the brutal murder of Japanese citizens 'Kenji Goto' by 'Daesh'," said French President Francois Hollande, who uses another name ISIS.

President Obama called the beheading 'Goto' by ISIS as an act of "vile." Obama had mentioned Goto job as a journalist in the Middle East.

"Goto is the courage to report the suffering of the Syrian people to the outside world," said the president.

In a video released this morning (Japan time), does not mention whether the pilot Jordan who also became hostages are alive or dead. Militants in the latest video that allegedly as the same person with a thick British accent, namely 'Jihadi John.'

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