Masked men opened fire on the police in Marseille.

Masked men reportedly opened fire on the police in Marseille, France. The shooting occurred when the Prime Minister of France is planning to visit marseille.

At Indonesia News. Gunshots were heard in the area of Castellane, Marseille. The elite police immediately deployed to the scene.

About 40 members of the police in the area prepared not far from the police station. While the area is now heavily guarded Castellane.

French newspaper Le Figaro on Monday (09/02/2015), said the shooting is allegedly related to gang wars in the city.

But others say the shooting location associated with the seizure of narcotics trafficking. Another newspaper said, the gunman targeted Police Chief Castellane, Pierre-Marie Bourniquel scheduled to meet Prime Minister Manuel Valls France.

Journalist Stefan De Vries said, Castellane region is known to have a high mortality rate. But most of the deaths associated with narcotics.

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