Ahok vs Haji Lulung "Governor Ahok reported to the police by members of the City Council"


Governor Ahok reported to the police by members of the City Council

Revocation right of inquiry by some factions in the City Council (DPRD DKI) did not cancel the intention to report Jakarta Governor "Basuki Tjahaja Purnama" ("Ahok") to the Criminal Investigation Department (Criminal Investigation). 

Jakarta Governor "Basuki Tjahaja Purnama" or be called "Ahok" still be reported in person. Not on the alleged bribery, but rather a matter in dispute mediation budget (APBD) 2015 Jakarta,  in the Kemendagri office a few time ago.

A total of 7 board members who represent the 7 factions in the City Council (DPRD DKI) report Ahok to the Police Headquarters, on Wednesday (03/11/2015) morning. Ahok reported on allegations of defamation and related to alleged violations of IT (information technology).

"Tomorrow morning around 09.00 pm we report Ahok to the Criminal Investigation. On the alleged defamation and breach UU ITE," said attorney 7 members of the Council, "Razman Arif Nasution"

Meanwhile, for the fraction of the PDIP, the plan will be decided whether or not participating report.

Chairman of the City Council from NasDem "Bestari  Barus" said although fractions revoke the right of inquiry addressed to policy of the Governor Ahok, personally they still make a report to the Criminal Investigation for defamation.

Here are the names of the council members who report  Ahok to the Criminal Investigation:

  1. Deputy Chairman of the Parliament PPP Abraham Lunggana.
  2. Members of the PPP faction Maman Firmansyah
  3. Members of the PKS faction Tubagus Arif
  4. Members of the Democratic faction A. Nawawi
  5. Members of PAN faction Bambang Kusumanto
  6. Vice Chairman of Hanura faction Syarifuddin

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