Ahok vs Lulung "Be Governor of Jakarta need Rp 500 Billion"

Abraham Lunggana have a political career that could be said to be brilliant.

Has two periods he sat in Jakarta Parliament. Positions are always he held also quite strategic, as Vice Chairman of the Parliament.

Has He desire to be the number one in his native land, in this case the post of Governor of Jakarta? "Nah, I kepengen baseball," he said when met at his office in the City Council building, Wednesday (11/03/2015).

While occasionally giggling play on his mobile Twitter, Lulung reveals the reason it. The first is related to age. According Lulung, currently has stepped age 55, and will further increase when the event the city elections in 2017.

"Now, already 55, next 2017 already how? 57," said the politician PPP.

However, beyond the age factor, Lulung reveals another reason behind their reluctance to step forward as the Governor of Jakarta. The reason it is related funds. Although the economy has an established level, Lulung pleaded not have enough funds to go forward as a candidate for governor. He called the minimum funding required to progress to the city elections is around Rp 200 billion. With these funds, said Lulung, not necessarily a candidate will be able to win the battle.

"If I go forward, already run out Rp 200 billion. Not necessarily win. If you lose? Yes it's better for the money I love my wife and my children, "said the leader of origin Tanah Abang.

Lulung said funds should be prepared to win elections the city is around Rp 500 billion. Thus, he said, a candidate for governor should seek sponsorship support.

"At least Gopek (Rp 500 billion) was the one can only win. Must have a sponsor. No one wants to sponsorship me," he said with a laugh.

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