News Update United States vs ISIS

United States military claims to have killed Thousands of militants in an air strike against Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). One of the Officials to call around 6 thousand militants were killed in a US raid.

At Indonesia News. Figures 6 thousand militants was delivered by US Ambassador to Iraq, Stuart Jones in an interview with Al-Arabia television aired on Thursday (22/01) and reported by AFP on Friday (01/23/2015).

There is no definite confirmation on the death toll from US air strikes against ISIS, Including how many Civilians were killed in the attack. However, if the number is accurate, it Suggests that the US coalition operations performed successfully deliver a big impact for ISIS since it started in 8/8/2014 in Iraq and 9/23/2014 in Syria.

In a press conference, Hagel said he could not confirm the number 6 thousand militants killed them. He only mentions 'Thousands' ISIS members killed in US and coalition air strikes.

"What we know, Thousands of fighters ISIL (another name ISIS) has Died and we know that some leaders have been killed ISIL as well," he said.

However, Hagel put the number of dead ISIS is not a yardstick to gauge the impact of US and coalition airstrikes.

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